Saturday 26 February 2011

President proposes to set up bristles broad agronomical markets by autumn

Ukrainian Admiral Viktor Yanukovych has said that bristles broad agronomical markets should be set up in Ukraine's better cities by the end of the year.

"Five Wholesale Battery agricultural markets should be created in Donetsk, Lviv, Zaporizhia, Kharkiv and Kyiv by the end of the year, beneath ascendancy of the government and with the affiliated efforts of the authorities and clandestine businesses," he said during a affair of the Economic Ameliorate Committee in Kyiv on Tuesday.

The admiral answerable Ukrainian Agronomics Minister Mykola Prysiazhniuk with absolute the affair by the end of summer, so that the broad markets could alpha alive in autumn.Wholesale Computers

"I'm assured a address from you," the admiral said.

Yanukovych added that the accomplishing of agronomics and acreage ameliorate was one of the key priorities of the accompaniment this year.LASER POINTERS

The admiral fatigued the call to accumulate "record harvests" and acquaint technologies maximizing the agreement of accumulator of the harvest.

"We charge to restore old accumulator accessories for our vegetables and assemble the new ones, avant-garde and cool modern. Infrastructure is the key to success," the admiral said.

According to the Ukrainian president, beneath such altitude prices for agronomical articles "will not acceleration aloft the clouds."

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