Sunday 13 March 2011

New eBook from IT Strategy Consultant Marcello Sabatini

Service Oriented Architectures are well knownWholesale Battery to all Information Technology professionals and there is apparently no need to write any further on this subject.

However:CIOs Chief Information Officers are inclined to give SOA a technological meaning but, at the same time, they have difficulties when presenting the concepts of service orientation to their management and to the business lines (the decision makers).

The company management Business Unit Directors, General Directors, Managing Directors don't speak the language of technology but, however, they need to understand such a newWholesale Computers philosophy and if and how it can bring benefits to their company strategy.

Service orientation and Service Oriented Architectures represent a big opportunity for companies of any size to acquire the ability to quickly react to changes in their strategies and to give to the information systems departments a more efficient organization.

Marcello Sabatini, senior IT strategy consultant says: "Among the many opportunities offered by the Information Technology, the philosophy of Service Orientation and the ServiceLASER POINTERS Oriented Architectures are the most revolutionary way to ease the integration between technology and business. The problem is to go beyond the pure technical understanding of SOAs and to make their strategic value clear to the decision makers."

The new ebook "Service Orientation and Service Oriented Architectures made clear to non technical management" explains briefly and in simple non technical words the main characteristics of the Service Orientation Charlesmattenphilosophy and main components of an SOA architectures. It's a 30 page ebook whose content can be of help to whoever wants to present a migration project to the top management.

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