Friday 8 April 2011

HTC Net Surges More Than Estimated to Record on Demand for Android Mobiles

Asia’s second-largest mobile-phone maker by market value, posted record quarterly profit and sales on demand for more-advanced high-speed handsets. Wholesale Battery

Net income almost tripled to NT$14.83 billion ($513 million) in the first quarter from NT$5 billion a year earlier, the Taoyuan, Taiwan-based company said in a statement today. That was higher than the NT$12.8 billion average of 18 analyst estimates compiled by Bloomberg. Wholesale Computers

Sales more than doubled as HTC benefited wholesale car accessories from rising demand for smartphones that use Google Inc. (GOOG)’s Android system and models that offer higher connection speeds. Profit may gain further this quarter as the company begins selling new devices including its first tablet computer, according to analyst estimates compiled by Bloomberg. LASER POINTERS

“We expect HTC’s new model launches in the second quarter to drive stronger shipment growth than peers in the next two quarters,” analyst Jeff Pu, who recommends investors “buy” the stock, at Fubon Financial Holding Co. wrote in a report yesterday. wholesale baby monitor

HTC said Jan. 21 it expected to ship 8.5 million units for the quarter, more than double that of a year earlier and its second-highest following the 9.1 million sold in the fourth quarter. It didn’t provide first-quarter shipment numbers today. Net income may climb in the second quarter to NT$14.5 billion, according to the average of 17 analyst estimates compiled by Bloomberg. wholesale spy camerca

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