Tuesday 12 April 2011

No, Microsoft didn't rush IE 9 into Windows Update

Did Microsoft really rush Internet Explorer 9 into Windows Update in a desperate move to catch up with Firefox?Wholesale Battery

Sorry, conspiracy theorists, wholesale spy camerca but the answer is an emphatic no.Wholesale Computers

My colleague Mary Jo Foley wrote “Forget June: Microsoft already pushing IE9,” noting an apparent acceleration from a previously reported June schedule. Elsewhere on ZDNet, Steven J. Vaughan Nichols piled on: “Why is Microsoft pushing IE 9 out now? Firefox.” In his view, Microsoft was forced to “push IE9 out early” because Firefox is kicking the stuffings out of IE 9 in adoption rates.
That would be an interesting argument wholesale android tablet if it were supported by any evidence. Too bad the theory crumbles into little pieces as you soon as do some research. With IE 9, Microsoft is following the exact same schedule as it did with Internet Explorer 8 and Internet Explorer 7, with an identical rollout strategy. Nothing’s been sped up, nothing’s been slowed down. This is how Microsoft releases a new browser.Wholesale ebook reader

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